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Weight Loss

Joel Wellness Clinic

Binju Joel, MD, FOMA, Dipl-ABOM

Primary Care & Weight Loss Clinic located in Ann Arbor, MI & Livonia, MI

Weight loss is no easy task, but you don’t have to struggle to lose weight on your own. At Joel Wellness Clinic in Livonia and Saline, Michigan, Binju Joel, MD, and her experienced team offer medical weight loss to help you reach and maintain your goal weight for life. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book a consultation online today.

Weight Loss Q&A

What is medical weight loss? 

Medical weight loss at Joel Wellness Clinic consists of a medically supervised program to assist you in losing weight. All diets work and all diets fail, however, Dr. Joel will works her patients in developing a dietary plan that is suitable for their lifestyle, which is a key factor in maintaining the weight loss. They develop custom meal plans, including dietary supplements and weight loss medications, to simplify weight loss. They also help you manage any chronic diseases you may have.

What are the benefits of medical weight loss?

Some of the many benefits associated with medical weight loss at Joel Wellness Clinic include:

  • Medical supervision
  • Effective weight loss
  • More energy
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower chronic disease risks
  • Better chronic disease management
  • Self-confidence

Reaching an ideal weight can help you look better, feel better, and gain the self-confidence you desire. Joel Wellness Clinic offers virtual telehealth appointments for added patient convenience. Regular follow-up, documentation of weight changes in numbers and graphs, and adherence to the diet and exercise plan developed in collaboration with the patients are important in long-term weight loss. 

What happens during medical weight loss visits?

During your first weight loss appointment at Joel Wellness Clinic, friendly staff members assess your weight, height, body mass index (BMI), pulse, blood sugar, blood pressure, and other vital signs. 

Dr. Joel completes a physical examination to evaluate your overall health, wellness, and chronic disease risk factors. In addition, she reviews your medical history, medications, and symptoms, as well as your usual diet and exercise patterns. The Joel Wellness Clinic team also offers body composition analyses.


Dr Joel will develop an exercise strategy that can be eased into your normal routine and the slowly increase the intensity as tolerated by the patient. Also the clinic offers for those enrolled in the weight loss program, dance fitness, and yoga lessons by Pradeepa Rayasam, Yoga Instructor and Ayurvedic Practitioner.

Dr. Joel develops a custom weight loss plan based on your long-term goals, lifestyle, and food preferences. Your medical weight loss program may consist of:

  • Custom meal plans
  • Exercise prescriptions 
  • Meal replacements
  • Other dietary supplements
  • Wellness and obesity coaching
  • Behavioral change therapy
  • Weight loss medications
  • Hormone therapy

Weight loss medications or hormones can reduce your appetite, boost your metabolism, help you maintain lean muscle, and enhance fat burning. In addition, behavioral change therapy is an excellent way to change your mindset, habits, attitude, and weight loss strategy.

You will be able to purchase meal replacement items through Joel Wellness Clinic. 

How long will it take to lose weight?

The time it takes you to lose weight depends on your starting weight and your weight loss goals. You can expect to lose 1-5 pounds per week, at least initially, with weight loss generally tapering off over time until you reach your desired weight. As weight loss results may vary based a particular patient’s genetics, time availability and physical limitation like joint pains. Dr. Joel will develop a mutually agreeable time period to reach the target weight loss.

Dr. Joel also will take initiative to decrease or eliminate obesogenic medications if medically indicated and will suggest meds that are not obesogenic in their place. Also Dr. Joel is well-versed in all the newer pharmacotherapy available for weight loss including the GLP-1 agonists.

Don’t settle for being overweight or obese when medical weight loss is a highly effective solution. Call the Joel Wellness Clinic office to schedule an appointment or book one online today.